3 motivational practices for delivering for yourself

6 min readMay 14, 2021

Accountability wanted?

I’m part of several informal groups for what I’d call “chronic overachievers”. Alumni groups, coaching supervision groups, and one for Academia on the Side (for people who haven’t got research academic jobs but still want to do and publish academic research). What these groups have in common — besides me as a member — is that, whenever we gather to talk about why we’re part of the group, lots of people say they’re seeking “accountability”.

I love these groups, and Strava and other such things besides. I find things like online writing “parties” via Zoom helpful because you’ve made a date with other people, and peer pressure is a powerful thing. Like athletes on Strava, we’re looking for people who will cheer us on when we succeed and when we struggle, but who will also nudge us sometimes, with a wry wink, “Shouldn’t you be [running/writing/delete as applicable]?” We all seem to be looking to increase our motivation and become more reliable in delivering for ourselves.

Inviting others in to help us force ourselves to act is a common human reaction to tackling tough challenges. But if we’re really looking for accountability, that means the buck stops with us. We’re responsible for whether something gets done, and we answer for it. So people’s tendency to bundle up…




HE operations manager; Coach; Writer of many things; Runner. In no particular order.